name: =sSk=
nick: =skII=
school: TP HTM
birthday: 30th aUg

food pig eat everyting
drink pig drink anytin nice
colour black white purple
superwish 1)True Love 2)LOVE
superdae slping and eaTing daE
superbuddies aDEl-aMy-sHAn-tOot-jaNice-laY-jaSminE-mIng-tIng-mIn-bEeyaN-tIngting-pF- (no order of merit)
super super SSK



*aMy oNg*


April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008


peach blush

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

iS my hP whIch iS louSy
oR is IT uRS?
wOke up 6.30 am
thOughT i waS late
tInkin iF i gOin to tAke cab
oR goin to poly clinic
i rUshed to baTh and wear my cOntaCt
anD ya
deN i reaLise
mY leSSOn was aT 9
sO waT for i wAke up sO eaRLi?
i wEnt to lyE dOWn
i REcEIVed a mSg juX now
SAeing tAT i dIdnt sEnd hER a mSg beFore i slp laSt niTE
i waS likE
haLf saDDEd
cOs i diD send 2mSg to her ah
mY mooD beCUm dUll anD down
lyE and lYE
by thE tym i wEnt out
deN By the tyM the BuS cUm
i reALise i sHld cHAnge a tRAIn insteAD
iF noT i wIl be laTE
thE trAIn sO squeEzy but i manAGE to sntACH to gO intO a tRAIn wIt a guy
pooR guy
hahA oppX
bOught two cuRRy puFF at the haWker
sO nicE
weNT for my firsT leC "cUlinaRy scIence"
sO SUcky ah..gOt calleD up on thE first leSSOn
aNd asK me abT bio
a SubjeCt i dIdnt studi in my sEc sCh tym
maNAge to geT thRU
aFT tat went fOr aCC
sO lucKI
i LEarnt aCcount beFOre
sO i waS like
henG ah..luCKi not a maTh
aFt taT me aDEl laY anD peifEn sKippEd our laST lec =thnKx to ZHang wEI
we wenT hawkER to eaT
yummY maggie mee goREnG fOr me
den meT up wiTh amy and shaN
anD we went queenswaE
i suGGEsted
buT in the eND
i diDnt buY aniting
buT its shAN tat bought
PooR shan
aFt tat wenT clementI to mEEt the piG
deN aFt tat went JP
gO to eaT cheeSCake and bought a bottle of liang tEH
DEn go find her mama and Went ntUc
anD tO mY surPriSE
shE wanT me gO EAt sTeambOAt at theiR hsE tonitE
i waS likE
i aM gona FAInt aH
sO sCARy aGAin
thE whole fAmily u noE
eating steamboat tgT
ReaChed her Home
see hEr eLDer bRO
so mani meaT
wHen i eAt
i wAs so qUieT
dUno wAT to TOk
dunO wa Tto eAT
fEEL so loSE
LuckI shE waS besidE mE
in thE end
i reALise i aTe up thE tAO ki daT her mamA wan
FElt so guilty
bU tnber saE out la
i waS too neRVOus
pls Forgive me
i wASnt veri fUll la
piG ma
dEN jiu wenT home le
TRavElling fROm boon laY to my hse on buS 154
buTT veri pain
cos thE journeY was moRE than 1houR
thaNks fOr uR reWaRD
i hOpe iT is noT an iLLuSIon

let me heal my heart11:00 AM

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