name: =sSk=
nick: =skII=
school: TP HTM
birthday: 30th aUg

food pig eat everyting
drink pig drink anytin nice
colour black white purple
superwish 1)True Love 2)LOVE
superdae slping and eaTing daE
superbuddies aDEl-aMy-sHAn-tOot-jaNice-laY-jaSminE-mIng-tIng-mIn-bEeyaN-tIngting-pF- (no order of merit)
super super SSK



*aMy oNg*


April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008


peach blush

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
fat fat fat

sk2 have grow fat
instead of cutting down on weight
u realise that i have grown some weight/fats
tats so terrible
wat shld i do??
i tink i realli should double cut down my diet
be more constant and do more vigorous excerises
and i am goin for my army check up tml
god bless me
hopE they dun suck too much precious blood of mine
and instead they should take my fats
pray for me ok!! haaa
attachemnt will be cuming to an end soon
about 2 more mths??
and ya...meaning wat??
meaning tat portfolio nid to hand in already !!!
u ppl better start tinking ok
haa altghg i noe u all wont tink too much ya

and guess wat
saw jasmine and her mum and jan and ron todaY at ps
the world is so small
and sweet jasmine mum leave me a very thoughful ending phrase :"tink u have grow fatter!"
tats so wonderful yeah
i shld buck down

and guys...celebrating for jeanie and jason???
it will be on the 8Dec....
names strike out will be : Peifen and Huimin
ppl kip in view : BeeeYan and HuiShan and Adel
ppl confirmed: sk, jeanie, jason and jasmine and amy

do update ya : ) )
and rmb ur E Journal which is due tis coming fRidaE!!

cya soon

let me heal my heart11:16 AM

Saturday, November 24, 2007

地址寫的是心底 你能不能收到它
天有點冷 風有點大 城市寧靜而喧嘩
你最近還好嗎 是不是也在思念裏掙紮
你說會記得我 還記得嗎
忙碌嗎累嗎 心還會痛嗎
昨天遠了 明天還長 回憶模糊但巨大
你最近還好嗎 是不是也在思念裏掙紮
你說會記得我 還記得嗎
忙碌嗎累嗎 心還會痛嗎
你最近還好嗎 是不是也在思念裏掙紮
你說會記得我 還記得嗎
忙碌嗎累嗎 心還會痛嗎

let me heal my heart10:36 PM

Saturday, November 17, 2007
i shLd blog

yeSh..i shld blog
if not tis blog will be abandoned
and i dun wan it to become tat waee
this place filled with all my memories
both good and bad
liFe has beEn quiTE boring recentlY
wat hAppeneD to my wonDErful and fun Filled timE
7DaEs a week, 5 daes i will be working, and the rest of the 2 daes off but mostly i will be at home
but waT is there to do at homE?
except tinking and lotSa tinking
aM i sociablE?
i dUn tink so
aT least not to strangers
but am Different if i am with my usuaL cliquE and ppl i noe
buT yet..haVe been pondering
mayb i shld try to be more sociable
join more outdoor activities
and get out of the only fren circle i had
so that i have more tins to kip myself occupied during my free time
aT least i will not be so dependable on anyone or anytin
liFe can still go on to be wonderful and occupied
at leaSt if i dun have companion from X..i sTill can put some hopE onto Y..if Not Z
iS it dUe to attachMent anD buSy schedule tat REsult in the LeSs regular meet up
or has it been owaes the case right from the start
oTher than Sch dAEs
all will be preoccupied
wiTh one ting or another
tings tat are more impt than mEet upzz
buT its still qUite reasonable
everyone has hiS or her priorities and someone taT he or she is dependent on
mOst ppl make thier choice and they have chooSen loVe relationShip as thier firSt
wHo wilL not choose thaT if theY had the Chance
bUt stilL somE ppl may go for othER tinGs like Frenship and kInship
bUt yet..which is reliable and which is not
thE biGGer the Clique
the moRe difficulT a Frenship can be maintained
one alwaes sae..if a real fren is need..1 is more than enuf
thE one may Be ur oNi lisTeners, youR oni Soulmate ur onI companion
bUt whO realli hAs one
alwaes there when u nid him or her??
i cAn saY tat i dun hAve 1
i counTEd myself haLf lucky and haLf not luckY
luCky that i have a Big cliQue of fREnzz
unLucky that the NumBer is so Big that no one Realli unDErstand everyone well
after tyPing ouT thE above
dUn realli noe waT is tat for
jus random tinkIng
sHld i say iTs jus some oBstacles in liFe
and in liFE
there are alot of obstacles awaIting
i wIsh i wasnT sO dependable
so emoTional
so wilDtinker
iT will fRee me froM some avOidable prOblems
aT least for thE next few dAes (realli few)
i will be more occupieD
SaT - cHalet wiTh sEc sCh pals (hoPe it will not be cancelled)
sUn - iTs a off DAe for me...mOst probable staYing at home
Mon - MeeTing up with 2 FrenX of mine foR diNNEr gatHEring
Tue - Beeyan birthdae dinner gathering (hope it will not be cancelled)

and yesh..thats all for the week
Wed,Thurs,Fri,Sat and Sun...i pREdict i shall bE working den hOme sWeeT home

anYone noe tAt there is a food fair goin on from 16-20Nov at the Singapore Expo??
itS so Attractive
but wHo shld i ask to go with me
moSt prob giVing it a miSss sincE i am cuTting down oN weighT
i Ain't here to GEt aTtention
or tO hinT anyonE
or to conVey any msG
or to get anY pity
or to ....
juSt wanT to tyPe out wat i feel
Pretty muCh PubLice Holidaes coming up
Christmas follow by New YeaR
reAlli dUn looK forward to TAt
cOs i fOreseeN boRing activiTy foR me
maYb if i waS asked to work
i shAll agreee
aM i very thick skin
am I very Straight forWArd
am i verY fake
am i verY disturbing
am i Very annoYing
am i verY disgusting
am i Very Short
am i verY uglY
am i verY light bulb
am i very fat
am i ....

i have no ans as wellll
but i least i have a little of everytin tat is negative..althg not to the extent of very..but still..its still negative yeah
2 meals a day

the above are my priorities now

i shall slim down (hopefully)
halF looking forWarD to the end of attachment half nOt
lookIng forward aS aftEr that will haVe oversea trIp
althgh i foreseen turn ouT to be low
but stIll i will look forward
at least i noe adel will be confirmed goin if nth crashes
noT looking forWArd as afTer attachment will be graduation and tat means
next phRase of life wwill sTArt
good bye to teenage life and hello to adulthood
army and work will be awaiting for me
i dun like the thght of it
huge huge obstacleS
i shAlll end here
so super lo sou
may i be happi
may i be slim
cheerss everyone: ) )


let me heal my heart12:29 AM

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